The jurisdiction by level system and the district jurisdiction system shall not apply in arbitration. 仲裁不实行级别管辖和地域管辖。
The government of Linchuan district in Fuzhou, Jiangxi province, has temporarily closed down all Internet cafes in its jurisdiction, in a bid to prevent students from getting distracted ahead of the college entrance examination. 江西抚州市临川区政府暂时性地关闭了其管辖区域内的所有网吧,以防止学生在高考来临前分心。
The District Court's civil jurisdiction is limited to disputes with a monetary value of up to$ 120,000. 区域法院的民事审判权,限于审理涉及款项不超过12万元的诉讼。
The district/ county environmental protection departments shall take charge of the supervision and administration of the installation and use of air-conditioning equipment within their jurisdiction. 各区、环境保护部门具体负责本辖区内空调设备安装、用的监督管理。
The district and county administrative departments of public health shall take charge of the work concerning traditional Chinese medicine under their respective jurisdiction. 区、县卫生行政部门负责本行政区域内的中医工作。
The district under the jurisdiction of the central government 中央政府管辖的地区
Cyrus Vance, the Manhattan district attorney whose jurisdiction includes Wall Street, is reviewing the report by the Senate subcommittee, which had referred its report to both the US justice department and the Securities and Exchange Commission, the people said. 管辖范围涵盖华尔街的曼哈顿地区检察官塞勒斯万斯(CyrusVance)正在审议参议院小组委员会的报告。知情人士称,该小组委员会已将其报告提交美国司法部和证交会(SEC)。
A subdivision or district of a city or town under the jurisdiction of or patrolled by a specific unit of its police force. 管辖区城市或城镇的分区或地区,由警察机构的特定单位对其进行管辖或巡逻。
The district or churches under the jurisdiction of a bishop; a bishopric. 主教管区主教管辖地区或教堂;
The district under the jurisdiction of a constable. 站在街角的那个女孩是一名警察。
District or county labor administrative departments are, in accordance with their competence, responsible for labor protection control within their jurisdiction. 区、县劳动行政部门按照管理权限,负责本辖区内劳动保护监察工作。
So it is necessary to research and probe into situation of the right to conflict of district jurisdiction, and then formulate the principle to the conflict of the district jurisdiction, which lead to solve the suit criminal action legally and timely. 研究、探讨刑事诉讼地域管辖权冲突现象,确立解决地域管辖权冲突的指导原则,对依法、及时进行刑事诉讼,具有一定的现实意义。
Recently, it is more obvious that the conflict of the district jurisdiction. 近年来,地域管辖权冲突现象日渐突出。
Com, the federal court for the Western District of Pennsylvania created a "sliding scope" test for determining long-arm jurisdiction in case involving the Internet. com案中,宾西法尼亚州法院创造了“滑动范围”,对因网络纠纷提起的诉讼管辖作了三种类型的区分。
First, the author analyzes the accepting range and condition of this kind of proceeding, and put forward the opinion of the level and district jurisdiction of such proceedings. 首先分析了该类诉讼的受理范围与受理条件,并对该类诉讼的级别管辖和地域管辖提出了自己的见解。
Ganzhou lying in the south of Jianxi province, also called the south of Gan, is a well-known revolution district as well as a typical undeveloped area. It has jurisdiction over 18 counties, among which there are 8 national impoverished counties. 赣州市地处江西省南部,又称赣南,是全国著名的革命老区,也是典型的欠发达地区,下辖18个县、市(区),其中国家级贫困县8个。
The determination of district jurisdiction is undoubtedly the first, and also the most direct, problem arising from the unbounded space of network. 其中,最先也是最直接与网络无界性接触并产生问题的是地域管辖的确定。